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Endogenetic and Exogenetic Forces UPSC

Mainly, Landform development is the result of endogenous and exogenous forces.
What is endogenous force?
  • The endogenous force is the creative force that emanates from the interior of the earth. This force is generated mostly by radioactivity, Earth's rotation, internal tidal friction, and heat from the Earth's interior.
  • The distribution of radioactive material within the Earth is not uniform, causing a geothermal gradient; due to the geothermal gradient, the heat flow is in the form of a convection current, due to which endogenous forces are generated. Because of the thermal gradient, endogenous forces are not uniform throughout the Earth; As a result, they form uneven surfaces or cause the development of different types of landforms.
There are the following types of endogenous forces:

Diastrophism or slow-moving force:
  • All processes that move part of the Earth's crust up and down come under diastrophism. Diastrophism creates landforms like mountains, continents, oceans, etc.
  • The horizontal movement of continents in plate tectonics involves diastrophism forces.
There are two types of diastrophism:
  • Orogenic process
  • Epeirogenic process

Orogenetic Process:
  • This force is also called the mountain-building force. On the basis of the direction of force, it can be divided into two parts.
  • Tension Force: Due to the diverging force, it caused cracks and faults on the surface of the earth.
  • Compression Force: Due to the convergent nature of the force, it causes folding in the earth's crust.

Epeirogenic process
  • Continentals and oceans are formed by the Epeirogenic process because it used to cover a large part of the earth's crust.

Sudden force:
Energy keeps accumulating inside the earth, when this energy suddenly emerges on the surface of the earth, then it is called sudden force. Example
  • Earthquake
  • Volcano

What is exogenous or exogenous force?
Exogenous forces are destructive forces that come from the outer Earth, the primary source of exogenous forces is the Sun and reliefs on Earth created by endogenous forces.
There are the following types of exogenous forces:

  • Gravitational force
  • weathering
  • Erosional
  • Depositional

Exogenetic forces
Exogenetic forces

Gravitational forces:

Gravitational forces apply in all materials having a slopping surface and tend to produce movement. Gravitational forces create stress ( stress is forces that are applied in per unit areas) in the body that leads to acceleration of weathering, mass movement, erosion, and deposition process.
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18 May 2022 at 14:51 ×

Sir I want to buy your geomorphology notes pdf

Congrats bro Unknown you got PERTAMAX...! hehehehe...