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Discuss the genetic classification of boundaries suggested by Hartshorne.

Discuss the genetic classification of boundaries suggested by Hartshorne.
(UPSC geography optional paper 1 2019, 10 Marks)


Richard Hartshorne was a political geographer. Hartshorn and Whittlesey both worked on the genetic classification of the boundary. They suggested the following types of genetic classification of boundaries between the two states:
  • Antecedent boundary
  • Subsequent boundary
  • Superimposed boundary
  • Relict boundary

Antecedent boundary:
Physical landform such as a river, mountain, ocean defined the boundary well before human settlement and this type of boundary is called antecedent boundary. 

For example,

  • Andes mountains between Chile and Argentina
  • Himalayan Mountain between India and Tibet

Subsequent boundary:
The modified boundary that later defined by some events such as war or culture shift. 

For examples,
India and China Boundaries in Ladakh region
India and Pakistan in Jammu Kashmir region

Superimposed boundary:
Forcefully drawn boundary that divides the unified cultural boundary. 


  • India Pakistan, 
  • Indonesia Papua New Guinea.
  • USA and Canada

Relict boundary:
Boundary no longer serves the purpose of the boundary but still has some important. Examples, 

  • West, and East Germany or Berlin Wall.

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