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Urban sprawl UPSC |Cultural Setting | Geography of India

 What is Urban Sprawl?

Poorly planned or unplanned cities generally not able to accommodate future needs or large population within urban areas, and urban areas expand and they encroach the surrounding areas of suburban, villages, or forest land, which is called urban sprawls.

Types of Urban Sprawl:

  • Continuous sprawl
  • Ribbon sprawl
  • Leapfrog sprawl;

Ribbon sprawls leads to conurbation and leapfrog sprawl leads to the development of satellite towns.

Nearly all urban cities are characterized by urban sprawl. Through Urban sprawl, town converted to cities; cities to metro; metro to megacity;

Causes of urban sprawl:

  • Growing population
  • Some population prefer spacious space to live
  • New demand for School, hospital, Airport, etc.

The consequence of Urban Sprawl:

Urban sprawl has both positive and negative consequences.

The positive consequence of Urban sprawl:

  • Local economic growth
  • Increase of urbanization

Negative consequences:

  • Poor infrastructure availability in periphery region crease jam, fatalities
  • Loss of agricultural lands and forest lands.
  • Increase of personal vehicle such as a car, truck for goods, and services that lead to air pollution.
  • Increasement in construction activities, chemicals, and heavy metal increases the water pollution
  • Water distribution issues and increase of water demand
  • Degradation of overall human health
  • Loss of open space
For a detailed explanation, watch the below video:

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10 February 2022 at 14:28 ×

very helpful and to the point infrmation .... thank u so much

Congrats bro Unknown you got PERTAMAX...! hehehehe...