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FROM HUNTING–GATHERING TO GROWING FOOD | Our Pasts |Exercises solution | Class 6| NCERT Social Science UPSC

 1. Complete the sentences:

(a) Hunter-gatherers chose to live in caves and rock shelters because —they provide shelter from rain, heat, and cold———————.

(b) Grasslands developed around ————12000———— years ago.

2. Why do people who grow crops have to stay in the same place for a long time?


  • Because they had to take care of crops for watering, weeding, driving away to animals, and harvesting of crops. That is why they had to live in the same place for a long time.

3. Why do archaeologists think that many people who lived in Mehrgarh were hunters to start with and that herding became more important later?


  • Because archaeologists were found the bone of pigs and wild animals.

4. Why did the hunter-gatherers travel from place to place? In what ways are these similar to/different from the reasons for which we travel today?


The following reasons push hunter-gatherers to travel from place to place:

  • They faced a scarcity of food( plants and animals) if did not move to other places.
  • The animal moves place to place in search of their food, hunter-gathers also followed the same
  • Plants bear fruits in different seasons, hence they had to move season to season.
  • Someplace did not have perennial water sources all the time, this led to a movement.

At the present day,

  • Some tribal and community also move the same in some areas, but most of them have a permanent settlement, we do not move for the above reason. However, today migration happens because of the above push factor at the sources.

5. List three ways in which hunter-gatherers used fire (see page15). Would you use fire for any of these

purposes today?


The following purposes:

  • They used as light sources
  • For roasting meats
  • to make safe from wild animals
Yes, today we still use fire for the above purpose.

6. List three ways in which the lives of farmers and herders would have been different from that of hunter-gatherers.


The following are differences:

  • Farmers and herders would have to stay in one place whereas hunter-gatherers had to move.
  • Farmer and herder built houses for shelter whereas hunter-gatherers lived in caves.
  • Farmers and herders had an advanced form of society than hunter-gatherers.

Important Dates:

  • the Mesolithic period (12,000-10,000 years ago)
  • Beginnings of domestication (about 12,000 years ago)
  • Beginning of settlement at Mehrgarh (about 8000 years ago)
  • the beginning of the Neolithic (10,000 years ago)

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