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Quiz on Soils| Chapter 6 Class 11 NCERT Geography MCQ | Soils [ UNIT III : CLIMATE, VEGETATION AND SOIL]


1. This arrangement of soil layers is known as the ----------.

a) Soil profile

b) Soil fertility

c) Soil productivity

d) Parent rock

Answer. a) Soil profile

2. Soils consist of three layers which are called-------.

a) Humus

b) Parent rock

c) Horizons

d) Zone

Answer. c) Horizons

3. Alluvial soils cover about ----------- percent of the total area of the country.

a) 25

b) 35

c) 40

d) 55

Answer. c) 40

4. Which of the following is not true regarding Alluvial soils?

a) The soil is rich in Potash.

b) The soil is poor in Phosphorous and Nitrogen.

c) Bhangar represents a system of newer alluvium deposits.

d) The color of the alluvial soils varies from light grey to ash grey.

Answer. c) Bhangar represents a system of newer (older)  alluvium deposits.

5. Which of the following soil has self-plowing in nature?

a) Alluvial

b) Black

d) Red

d) Laterite 

Answer. b) Black

6. Which of the following soils are rich in lime, iron, magnesia, and alumina. But they lack phosphorous, nitrogen, and organic matter.

a) Alluvial

b) Black

d) Red

d) Laterite 

Answer. b) Black

7. The ------------ soils develop in areas with high temperatures and high rainfall.

a) Alluvial

b) Black

d) Red

d) Laterite 

Answer. d) Laterite 

8. ------------------ soils are widely cut as bricks for use in house construction.

a) Alluvial

b) Black

d) Red

d) Laterite 

Answer. d) Laterite 

9. ---------------are found in the areas of heavy rainfall and high humidity, where there is a good growth of vegetation.

a) Peaty

b) Black

d) Red

d) Laterite 

Answer. a) Peaty

10. Which of the following is not a major cause of soil erosion?

a) Deforestation

b) Over-grazing

c) Mining

d) Contour bunding

Answer. d) Contour binding is a soil conservation method.

11. Which one of the following is the most widespread and most productive category of soil?

a) Alluvial Soil 

b) Laterite Soil

c) Black Soil

d) Forest Soil

Answer. a) Alluvial Soil 

12. ‘Regur Soil’ is another name for the.

a) Saline Soil 

b) Arid Soil

c) Black Soil

d) Laterite Soil

Answer. c) Black Soil

13. Which one of the following is the main reason for the loss of topsoil in India?

a) Wind erosion 

b) Water erosion

c) Excessive leaching

d) None of these

Answer. b) Water erosion

14. Arable land in the irrigated zones of India is turning saline due to which of the following reasons?
a) Addition of gypsum 
b) Overgrazing
c) Over irrigation
d) Use of fertilizers

Answer. c) Over irrigation


Chapter-wise MCQ of India Physical Environment[ Class-11]:

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