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Classify the following into two groups on the basis of bulk and weight of raw material and finished goods.


Classify the following into two groups on the basis of bulk and weight of raw material and finished goods.

(i) Oil 

(ii) Knitting needles 

(iii) Brassware  

(iv) Fuse wires

(v) Watches

(vi) Sewing Machines

(vii) Shipbuilding

(viii) Electric Bulbs

(ix) Paintbrushes

(x) Automobiles

( Chapter - 6 Manufacturing Industries, Cass X NCERT Contemporary India -II )


Based on the bulk and weight of raw materials and finished goods, industries are two types:

  • Heavy industries
  • Light industries

Heavy industries are those industries that use heavy raw materials and produce heavy finished goods. For example, the Iron and steel industry comes under heavy industries.

Light industries are those industries that use light raw materials and also produce light-finished goods.

In the heavy industries group, the following industries will come-

(i) Oil ( especially refinery industry)

(iii) Brassware  

(vi) Sewing Machines

(vii) Shipbuilding

(x) Automobiles

In the light industry group, the following industries will come-

(ii) Knitting needles 

(iv) Fuse wires

(v) Watches

(viii) Electric Bulbs

(ix) Paintbrushes

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