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Define age structure, death rate, and birth rate.


Define age structure, death rate, and birth rate.

( Chapter - 6 Population, Cass 9 NCERT Contemporary India -I )


Age structure, death rate, and birth rate are important characteristics of a population that tell us a lot about the present and future trends of the population.

About Age Structure:

The age structure can be defined as the number of people in different age groups in a country.

Age structure tells us about the social and economic structure of the country as it tells us the number and percentage of children, working age, and elderly population.

People under the age of fifteen are known as the child population. Children are economically unproductive, needing clothing, food, health care, and schooling.

People aged between 15 and 60 are known as the working-age population; They are economically and biologically productive.

People above the age of 59 are known as the elderly population. They are economically and biologically unproductive. They need medical care and pension.

Birth Rate:

The number of live births per thousand population in a year is known as the birth rate.

The birth rate is one of the factors of population change, it increases the population.

death rate:

The number of deaths per thousand population in a year is called the death rate.

The death rate is one of the components of population change, it decreases the population.

The birth rate in India is always higher than the death rate, which is why the population in India is increasing.

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