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Distinguish between Subsistence farming and intensive farming.


Distinguish between Subsistence farming and intensive farming.

( Chapter - 4 Agriculture, Cass 8 NCERT Resources and Development ( Geography) )


Following are the differences between subsistence agriculture and intensive agriculture:

Agriculture whose produce is consumed only by the farmer's family is called subsistence agriculture, while the surplus of intensive agriculture produce is sold in the market.

Subsistence agriculture is done on a large piece of land while intensive agriculture is done on a small piece of land and more than one crop is grown in a year.

Subsistence agriculture uses low levels of inputs such as seeds and fertilizers while intensive agriculture uses high levels of inputs such as seeds and high fertilizers.

Subsistence agriculture has low production per unit of land while intensive agriculture has high productivity.

Subsistence farming is done on dense forest land, semi-arid, and arid areas while intensive agriculture is done on most fertile land like plains.

Subsistence agriculture is generally practiced in sparsely populated areas whereas intensive agriculture is practiced in highly populated areas such as South Asia, Southeast Asia, and East Asia.

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