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Suggest three ways to conserve water.


Suggest three ways to conserve water.

( Chapter - 2 Land-Soil-Water-Natural Vegetation and Wildlife Resources, Cass 8 NCERT Resources and Development ( Geography) )


Water is a very important renewable resource. Without water, life on the earth would have not been possible. Life on the earth began almost 3.5 billion years back in the primitive ocean.

About 71 percent of the earth's surface is covered with water. However, freshwater (potable water) on the earth accounts for only around 2.7 percent of the total water. Most of the freshwater on the earth are forms of ice that are located in Antarctica, Greenland, and mountain glaciers.

Only one percent of fresh water( in groundwater, ponds, and river) are available and fit for consumption by human use. So freshwater is a very precious and limited renewable resource on the earth.

Access to clean and adequate water sources is a major problem in the world today. Overuse and pollution ad major causes of water scarcity in the world today.

The following are three ways to conserve water are:

  • Water Harvesting
  • Use of efficient irrigation technique
  • Forestation

Water harvesting is a technique to collect and store rainwater where it falls. Rooftop water harvesting is the best water harvesting technique for household requirements of water.

Agriculture uses the majority of the water. The use of efficient irrigation techniques like drip irrigation and trickle technique would reduce water consumption in irrigation.

Forests make surface runoff slow which helps in replenishing groundwater.  Forest reduces the evaporation process and helps in water conservation.

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