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What is meant by population composition?


What is meant by population composition?

( Chapter - 6 Human Resources, Cass 8 NCERT, Resources and Development ( Geography) )


Population composition refers to the composition of the population in terms of age, gender, literacy level, health status, occupation, and income level.

Population composition helps us to know how many men or women are there, what age group they belong to, how educated they are and what kind of occupations they have, what is their income level and what is their health status.

The age-sex pyramid of a population is a method of studying the population composition of a country.

Population composition tells us about the role of people as a resource providing information on age, gender, literacy rate, longevity, and other characteristics. For example, Japan and Bangladesh are both densely populated countries, however, Japan is far more economically developed than Bangladesh because of the different population compositions of the two countries.

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