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Anger is a harmful negative emotion, it is injurious to both the personal life and the work life. How can it be controlled? Explain. | UPPSC General Studies 4 Mains ETHICS Solutions 2020


Anger is a harmful negative emotion, it is injurious to both the personal life and the work life. How can it be controlled? Explain. (UPPSC 2020)


Anger is a natural and powerful emotion that can have negative consequences if not managed properly. Uncontrolled anger is injurious to both, the personal life and work life; it affects mental health and the work life. There are several ways to control anger and prevent it from becoming harmful. Some ways are listed below-

Knowing the cause of anger; Knowing the cause of anger will help individuals prepare to avoid situations that are likely to cause anger.

Practice calming techniques; When feeling angry, practice relaxation techniques like deep breathing, meditation, or Yoga. These techniques can help to calm the mind and body, which will reduce the intensity of negative emotions.

Practice tolerance values; Sometimes anger may arise due to differences in opinion by others. Accepting the other perspective of things and focusing on the positive qualities of others, help to reduce negative behaviors.

Communicate effectively; Anger often arises due to misunderstanding, effective communication may reduce the misunderstanding and reduce the negative anger emotions.

Taking sufficient rest; Taking rest like taking walk, listening to music, or talking to a person who cares most will calm the anger.

Seek doctor help; If any is causing significant harm to personal or work, it may be helpful to seek doctor help, they can provide strategies for managing anger.

In conclusion, Anger is a harmful negative emotion that can have negative consequences if not managed properly. Knowing the cause of anger, practicing relaxation techniques, practicing tolerance values, effective communication, taking a break, and seeking a doctor's help can help to control their anger and prevent it from becoming harmful.

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