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Examine the relevance of "accountability" in the context of civil services. | UPPSC General Studies 4 Mains ETHICS Solutions 2019


Examine the relevance of "accountability" in the context of civil services. (UPPSC 2019)


Accountability in civil services refers to fixing the responsibility for their actions and decisions by civil servants.

Accountability makes civil servants answerable to the public and to the government for the outcomes of their actions and decisions.

Accountability in civil services has several relevances in civil services, some of are mentioned below-

Ensuring transparency- Accountability ensures that civil servants are transparent in their decision as they know they are answerable to the public for their actions.

It builds trust between the government and citizens; Accountability ensures the transparent functioning of the government which helps in building trust between government citizens.

Promoting efficiency; Civil Servants know that they will be held accountable for their work, they do efficient and effective work.

Preventing corruption; When public officials know they are accountable for their actions, they are less likely to engage in corrupt practices.

Improving service delivery; Accountability ensures that civil servants are held responsible for the quality of public services;

In conclusion, accountability is very relevant to public servants as it ensures transparency, promotes efficiency, prevents corruption, and improves service delivery.

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