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How will you apply emotional intelligence in administrative practices? Explain. | UPPSC General Studies 4 Mains ETHICS Solutions 2020


How will you apply emotional intelligence in administrative practices? Explain. (UPPSC 2020)


Emotional intelligence is the quality to perceive, understand, and manage their own feeling; it helps to perceive others' feelings correctly, which help one respond appropriately. The concept of emotional intelligence emerged in the 1990s, and now it has been considered a better success indicator than IQ.

The following way we apply emotional intelligence in administrative practices-

Self-awareness; Administrators can use emotional intelligence to develop self-awareness, which helps them to understand their own emotions, strength, and weaknesses.

Positive workspace relationship; Emotional intelligence help to make positive workspace relationship through self-awareness and managing the feeling of others.

Self-regulating of emotions; Emotional intelligence helps individuals to perceive and know emotions that help individuals regulate their own emotions which helps them self motivation toward work. It helps emotions to respond to different situations. It helps the administrator to handle challenging situations calmly with a positive attitude.

Managing people; Emotional intelligence skills help the administrator to perceive other feelings and emotions correctly and it helps them to manage other people. Administrators with emotional intelligence can build stronger relationships with people and other stakeholders.

Effective Communication; Emotional intelligence help administrator to communicate effectively based on other feelings which help in establishing trust.

Conflict prevention; Emotional intelligence helps the administrator manages conflict effectively. It helps to find solutions that satisfy everyone.

 In conclusion, we can say emotional intelligence help administrator regulate their own emotions, build stronger relationship, improve leadership skill, and create a more productive and successful workspace.

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