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Which of the five principles of the code of conduct will be given priority by you and why? discuss. | UPPSC General Studies 4 Mains ETHICS Solutions 2020


Which of the five principles of the code of conduct will be given priority by you and why? discuss. (UPPSC 2020)


The five principles of the code of conduct for civil servants are integrity, objectivity, accountability, confidentiality, and compassion.

These are five principles of the code of conduct are important for civil services, and among the five, integrity should be given the highest priority.

Integrity; Integrity is the quality of being honest, fair, and ethical in actions and decisions. The integrity of civil servants enables trust and credibility in governance. Integrity in civil services helps to uphold the values of justice, fairness, and equality.

Objectivity; Objectivity in civil servants help them to make decision-based on merits, fact, and data. It helps to make fair and just decisions. It also prevents discrimination and subjective decisions.

Accountability; Accountability in civil servant make them answerable to a higher authority or the public for their decision and actions. In ensuring public trust and preventing corruption in governance.

Confidentiality; Confidentiality is valued to maintain the privacy and confidentiality of sensitive information related to government institutions and policies. It helps in ensuring the effective functioning of maintaining public trust in governance.

Compassion. Compassion values in civil service help civil servants to empathize with the suffering of the weaker section and try to alleviate the suffering; it helps civil servants to act in favor of the weaker section to provide social justice.



In conclusion, we can say, the five principles of the code of conduct of civil servants are integrity, objectivity, accountability, and compassion it helps to ensure the responsibility of public services and adhere to the rules and regulations in governance, and also helps in ethical governance.


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