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“It is said that government servants take bribes because people offer bribes to them. If people stop offering bribes, the problem of bribes will be solved.” | UPPSC General Studies 4 Mains ETHICS Solutions 2020


“It is said that government servants take bribes because people offer bribes to them. If people stop offering bribes, the problem of bribes will be solved.” What is your opinion about the statement? Examine critically. (UPPSC 2020)


The statement that government servants take bribes because people offer bribes to them, this statement is a simplistic and one-sided understanding of the problem of corruption. It is also true that government servants may demand bribes, it is also true that bribes often take place with the active participation of givers (people) and takers (government servants). Thus, it is not fair to blame entirely people for corruption.

There are several factors that contributed to the problem of bribery like lack of transparency, complex laws, weak accountancy, and inadequate salaries of government servants. A combination of these factors create a favorable environment for corruption and make it easier for the public to give bribe to government servants or accept bribe from the public.

If people stop offering bribes, the problem of bribes will be solved, this is also a simplistic or one-sided view. People offer bribes to government officials for getting public services, if they do not offer them, government servants might not provide quality public services timely. To effectively address the problem of corruption, need a multidimensional approach, which includes strengthening accountability, increasing transparency, social audit, and public participation in decision making. Awareness about the negative impact of corruption is needed to address the root cause of corruption.

In conclusion, solving the problem of corruption needs a comprehensive approach that needs to strengthen accountability, and promote the culture of transparency, and integrity of government servants.

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