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How do the values of tolerance and compassion get manifested in public service towards the weaker sections? Explain with suitable examples. | UPPSC General Studies 4 Mains ETHICS Solutions 2020


How do the values of tolerance and compassion get manifested in public service towards the weaker sections?  Explain with suitable examples. (UPPSC 2020)


Tolerance is the value that enables an individual to accept differences of thinking or belief and encourage them to live a peaceful life while compassion is a value that enables an individual to take care of others especially those who need it.

Values of tolerance and compassion are very much needed for public services towards weaker sections. These values get manifested in public services through policies, programs, and actions that promote equal opportunities and fair treatment, especially for individuals of weaker sections. 

Here are some examples, 

Ensure public services reachability; If civil servants are tolerant, they will respect people with different cultures and beliefs, and they will provide services to all. For example, if a person comes to a government hospital who does not know Hindi or English, so civil servants should provide translators or interpreters to ensure access to the services of the person. Tolerance helps effective service delivery to weaker sections.

Compassionate treatment of the homeless; Compassion values in Civil servants motivate them to arrange shelter and food for those who are struggling. Such services show compassion and commitment to helping the weaker section of society. 

Compassionate and tolerant toward the specially able person; Public servants enable accessibility features to their building and other services like wheelchair-accessible vehicles or facilities like a text-to-speech option for visually impaired individuals. These actions show tolerance and compassionate values to the weaker sections of society.

Compassionate treatment of refugees; If public services enable facilities like schools or health facilities to refugees. The government may provide language courses, job training, or financial help to refugees who fled due to conflict or persecution.

 In conclusion, we can say, tolerance and compassion values are very important for public services towards the weaker section, they help provide equal opportunities and fair treatment to all individuals.

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