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The role of media and social networking is important in internal security. Analyse. । UPPSC General Studies-III Mains Solutions 2021


The role of media and social networking is important in internal security. Analyse.

( UPPSC, UP PCS Mains General Studies-III/GS-3 2021)


The media and social networking platforms ( like youtube, Twitter, Facebook, and others) play an important role in shaping of public perception and public opinion about various issues, including matters related to internal security.

Keeping Internal security means maintaining law and order in order, keeping national integration, and minimizing insurgencies. 

There are many security challenges in India like Insurgency, linguistic divisions, caste divisions, left-wing extremism, and competitive politics. 

There are both positive and negative roles of media and social networking in internal security.

The positive role of media and social networking is important in internal security can be analyzed in the following ways-

Information circulation; Media and social networking are primary sources of information for people regarding various issues including internal security. They play a critical role in circulating role in spreading news and updates related to security threats, terrorist activities, and law and order situations. This helps people be informed and take necessary precautions to ensure their safety.

Countering misinformation, propaganda, and rumors; Misinformation, propaganda, and rumors also cause internal disturbance and cause security challenges. The media and social networking platforms are also used to counter misinformation and propaganda that can create fear and panic among the public. Through fact-checking and verification of information, the media can help to prevent rumors by providing accurate information.

Promoting transparency and accountability; Corruption and inefficiency in the system increase the inequality in the country, which leads to an increase in insurgence groups ( like Maoists) which challenges internal security. Media and social networking play a vital role in ensuring transparency, accountability, and the efficient functioning of government organizations. Media reports help to expose corruption and inefficiency in the system, which leads to necessary reforms and improvement in governmental functioning.

Public awareness and vigilance; Media and social networking platform help create awareness about security threats and encourage people to be vigilant.


Negative role of media and social networking in internal security;

There are also some negative effects of media and social networking on internal security as they are used to spread false information, spread propaganda, incite violence, and recruit members to extremist groups.


In conclusion, there are many positive roles of media and social networking platforms for internal security correct information spreading, countering rumors and misinformation, promoting transparency, and public awareness and vigilance. There is also a negative role of media and social networking on internal security as they are also used to spread false information, spread propaganda, incite violence, and recruit members to extremist groups. However, the negative role of media and social networking can be minimized by monitoring and regulating social media platforms.

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