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MCQs on Gupta Empire | QUIZ and Objective types of Questions

1. Who was the founder of the Gupta dynasty?

a) Sri Gupta

b) Ghatotkacha

c) Chandragupta I 

d) Samudragupta

Answer. a) Sri Gupta was the founder of the Gupta dynasty.

Sri Gupta ( 240-280 CE)

Ghatotkacha ( 280-319 CE)

Chandragupta I (319-335 CE)

Samudragupta ( 335-380 CE)

2. The Gupta dynasty ruled during which time?

a) 3rd century to 6th century

b) 3rd century to 4th century

c) 3rd century to 5th century

d) 4rd century to 6th century

Answer. a) 3rd century to 6th century

The Gupta dynasty ruled from 240 CE to 550 AD.

3.  Who among the following Gupta Kings has another name Devagupta? ( UPPSC)

a) Samundragupta

b) Chandragupta-II

c) Kumaragupta

d) Non of the above

Answer. b) Chandragupta-II was also known as Vikramaditya or Devagupta.

4. Who is known as the Napoleon of India?

a) Chandragupta Maurya

b) Chandragupta-II Vikramaditya

c) Great Ashoka

d) Samudragupta

Answer. d) Samudragupta was known as Napoleon of India.

5. Allahabad inscription is associated with which one of the following?

a) Mahapadma Nanda

b) Chandragupta Maurya

c) Ashoka

d) Samudragupta

Answer. d) Samundragupta

6. Which of the following institutions belonged to the trader group? (UPPSC 2018)

a) Shreni     

b) Nagaram

c) Nanadesis     

d) Manigrama

Answer. a) Shreni was the trader group during the Gupta period.

7. Concerning the guilds (Shreni) of ancient India that played a very important role in the country’s economy, which of the following statements is/are correct? ( UPSC 2012)

1. Every guild was registered with the central authority of the State and the king was the chief administrative authority on them.

2. The wages, rules of work, standards, and prices were fixed by the guild.

3. The guild had judicial powers over its own members.

Select the correct answer using the codes given below:

a) 1 and 2 only

b) 3 only

c) 2 and 3 only

d) 1, 2 and 3

Answer. c ) 2 and 3 only

Guilds were organized during the Gupta period and were established by merchants for the proper regulation of their trade. Every guild had its head without any intervention by the kingdom. 

8. Which of the following inscriptions reveals information about the Silk Weavers Guild? ( MPPSC)

a) Dashpur Inscription

b) Prayag Prashati

c) Eran Inscription

d) Hathigumpha Inscription

Answer. a) Dashpur Inscription, this inscription also refers to the Dashpur inscription, which provides the information about Silk Weaver Guild.

9. Concerning forced labor (Vishti) in India during the Gupta period, which one of the following statements is correct? (UPSC 2019)

a) It was considered a source of income for the State, a sort of tax paid by the people.

b) It was totally absent in the Madhya Pradesh and Kathiawar regions of the Gupta Empire.

c) The forced laborer was entitled to weekly wages.

d) The eldest son of the laborer was sent as a forced laborer.

Answer. a) It was considered a source of income for the State, a sort of tax paid by the people.

10. The First Gupta ruler to assume the title of "Param Bhagavata" was ( UPPSC)

a) Chandragupta-I

b) Samundragupta

c) Chandragupta-II

d) Srigupta

Answer. b) Samundragupta

Samundragupta assumes the title of "Param Bhagavata".

11. "Prithivyah Pratham Veer" was the title of- ( UPPSC)

a) Samudragupta

b) Rajendra I

c) Amoghavarsha

d) Gautamiputra Shatkarni

Answer. a) Samudragupta also assumed the title of "Prithivyah Pratham Veer".

12. The iron column, located in the courtyard of Delhi's Quwwat-ul-Islam Mosque is a retention of- ( UPPSC)

a) Ashok

b) Chandra

c) Harsha

d) Anangapal

Answer. b) Chandra;

Mehrauli Iron Pillar inscription describes a king named "Chandra", which was assumed as Chandragupta II.

13. From which inscription it is known that Skandagupta defeated Hunas?

a) Bhitari Pillar Inscription

b) Allahabad Pillar Inscription

c) Mandsaur Inscription

d) Udayagiri Inscription

Answer. a) Bhitari Pillar Inscription ; ( near Saidpur tehsil).

14. Who is known as a "Saka-conqueror"?

a) Chandragupta I

b) Samundragupta

c) Chandragupta II

d) Kumargupta

Answer. c) Chandragupta II " Vikramaditya" was known as the Saka Conqueror.

15. Who was the first Gupta ruler to issue silver coins?

a) Chandragupta I

b) Samundragupta

c) Chandragupta II

d) Kumargupta

Answer. c) Chandragupta II " Vikramaditya" was known as the Saka Conqueror.

16. Centers located in Gujarat, Bengal, Deccan, and Tamil country during the Guppta period were associated with which of the following:

a) Textile manufacturing 

b) Gems and Precious stones

c) Handicrafts

d) Opium cultivation

Answer. a) Textile manufacturing

18. Concerning the scholars/litterateurs of ancient India, consider the following statements: (UPSC 2020)

1. Panini is associated with Pushyamitra Shunga.

2. Amarasimha is associated with Harshavardhana.

3. Kalidasa is associated with Chandra Gupta-II.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

a) 1 and 2 only

b) 2 and 3 only

c) 3 only

d) 1, 2 and 3

Answer. c) 3 only

19. Which dynasty was distracted the most by the Hunas invasion?

a) Maurya

b) Kushan

c) Gupta

d) Shunga

Answer. c) Gupta

20. There were different causes for the downfall of the Gupta Empire.

Which one among the statements given below was not the cause?

a) Huna invasion

b) Feudal set-up of administration

c) Acceptance of Buddhism by the later Guptas

d) Arab invasion

Answer. d) Arab invasion

21. Which one of the following ports was in use for the north Indian trade during the Gupta period?

a) Kalyan

b) Tamralipti

c) Broach

d) Cambay

Answer. b) Tamralipti

22. In Sanskrit plays written during the Gupta period women and Sudras speak in which language?: ( UPSC)

a) Sanskrit

b) Prakrit

c) Pali

d) Sauraseni

Answer. b) Prakrit

23. Gupta Samvat was started by which Gupta king?

a) Chandragupta-I

b) Srigupta

c) Chandragupta II

d) Ghatotkach

Answer. a) Chandragupta started Gupta Samvat in 319 CE.

24. The gradual decline of towns was an important feature of which period?

a) Gupta Period

b) Pratihara Era

c) Rashtrakut

d) Satavahana Era

Answer. a) Gupta Period

25. Concerning the history of India, the terms "Kulyavapa" and "Dronavapa" denote (UPSC 2020)

a) measurement of land 

b) coins of different monetary value

c) classification of urban land

d) religious rituals

Answer. a) measurement of land

 "Kulyavapa" and "Dronavapa" denote land measurement, which was prevalent during the Gupta period.

26. The first inscriptional evidence of the Satipratha has been found from? ( UPPSC)

a) Eran

b) Junagarh

c) Mandsaur

d) Sanch

Answer. a) Eran, Madhya Pradesh

27. During which age, did women enjoy equality with men? ( UPPSC)

a) Gupta's age

b) Mauryan age

c) Cholas

d) None of the these

Answer. d) None of the these

28. In the Gupta period, which type of land was called "Aprahat"? ( BPSC)

a) without cultivated forest land

b) Irrigated land

c) Dense forest land

d) Cultivated land

Answer. a) without cultivated forest land

29. Tormad was from the racial group? ( UPSC)

a) Sithian

b) Huna

c) Yaochi

d) Saka

Answer. b) Huna

30. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below: (UPSC)

List-I:        List-II

( Emperor)  : (Titles)

A. Ashoka    :                     1. Parakramank

B. Samundragupta            2. Priyadarsin

C. Chandragupta-II            3. Vikramaditya

D. Skandgupta                    4. Vikramaditya


        A    B    C    D

a)    1    2    3    4

b)    3    2    1    4

c)     2    1    4    3

d)    4    3    2    1

Answer.  c)     2    1    4    3

31. In the ancient period, which varna was also called "Sarthavaha"? ( MPPSC)

a) Brahmana

b) Kshatriya

c) Vaishya

d) Shudra

Answer. c) Vaishya

32. Consider the following statements and select the correct answer from the code given below: ( UPPSC)

1. Vikram Samvat began in 58 BC.

2. Saka Samvat began in 78 AD

3. The Gupta era began in 319 AD.

4. The era of Muslim rule in India began in 1192 AD.


a) 1 and 2

b) 3 and 4

c) 1, 2, and 3

d) 1, 2, 3, and 4

Answer. d) 1, 2, 3, and 4

33. Who among the following was the ruler of Kanchi during the time of Samudragupta?

a) Puleksin

b) Nandivarman

c) Hastivarman

d) Vishnugopa

Answer. d) Vishnigopa

34. Which Gupta ruler set up Nalanda University?

a) Srigupta

b) Samundraguppta

c) Skandaguppta

d) Kumargupta I

Answer. d) Kumargupta I

35. Which of the following Gupta Emperors called himself "Lichchhavi-dauhitra"?

a) Shrigupta

b) Chandragupta I

c) Samundragupta

d) Chandragupta II

Answer. c) Samundragupta

36. Dhanvantri and Kalidasa were in the court of which Gupta Emperor?

a) Kumar Gupta I

b) Samundra Gupta

c) Shrigupta

d) Chandragupta II

Answer. b) Samundra Gupta

37. Which dynasty ruled India between 320 AD and 550 AD?

a) Shunga

b) Kanva

c) Satvahana

d) Gupta

Answer. d) Gupta dynasty

38. Allahabad Pillar Inscription gives a detailed account of the reign of which King?

a) Chandragupta Maurya

b) Kanishka

c) Samundragupta

d) Ashoka

Answer. c) Samundragupta

39. Allahabad Prasasti or Pryag Prasasti was composed by which scholar?

a) Kalidasa

b) Patanjali

c) Harisena

d) Vasumitra

Answer. c) Harisena


40. What was the land revenue rate in the Gupta age? ( UPPSC)

a) Fourth part of the production

b) Sixth part of the production

d) Eighth part of the production

d) Half part of the production

Answer. b) Sixth part of the production

41. Who amongst the following had defeated Huna ruler Mihirakual?

a) Budhagupta

b) Yashodharman

c) Shashanka

d) Prabhakaravardhana

Answer. b) Yashodharman had defeated Huna ruler Mihirakual

42. The game of "Chess" which was also known as "Chaturanga" is said to be originated during which dynasty in India?

a) Maurya Dynasty

b) Shunga Dynasty

c) Gupta Dynasty

d) Kushana Dynasty

Answer. c) Gupta Dynasty

43. Parnadatta was appointed the provincial Governor of Saurashtra by which Gupta king?

a) Srigupta

b) Vikramaditya

c) Skandagupta

d) Chandragupta I

Answer. c) Skandagupta

44. Who was the first Gupta ruler to adopt the title of Maharajadhiraja?

a) Srigupta

b) Samundragupta

c) Chandragupta I

d) Chandragupta II

Answer. c) Chandragupta I

45. Prabhavati Gupta, the Queen Regent of the Vakataka empire, was the daughter of Kuberanaga and ---

a) Srigupta

b) Samundragupta

c) Chandragupta I

d) Chandragupta II

Answer. d) Chandragupta II

46. The First Gupta ruler to assume the title of "Param Bhagavata" was

a) Chandragupta I

b) Samundragupta

c) Chandragupta II

d) Srigupta

Answer. c) Chandragupta II


47. An inscription by which of the following is found on the pillar containing Prayag Prasasti of Samundragupta?

a) Jahangir

b) Shahjahan

c) Aurangzeb

d) Dara Shikoh

Answer. a) Jahangir

48. "Prithivyah Pratham veer" was the title of 

a) Samundragupta

b) Rajendra I

c) Amoghavarsha

d) Gautamiputra Shatkarni

Answer. a) Samundragupta

49. Who is known as the "Saka Conqueror"?

a) Shrigupta

b) Chandragupta I

c) Chandragupta II

d) Samundragupta

Answer. c) Chandragupta II

50. Read the following statements carefully-

1. Gupta Emperors claimed divine rights for themselves.

2. Their administration was highly centralized.

3. They extended the tradition of land grants.

Answer on the basis of the following codes:

a) 1,2, and 3 are true

b) 1 and 2 are true

c) 1 and 3 are true

d) 2 and 3 are true

Answer. c) 1 and 3 are true

Gupta administration was a feudal system, as they assumed the title of Mahrajadhiraja ( king of kings).

51. Vallabhi era is identical with which of the following era?

a) Gupta era

b) Saka Era

c) Vikrama Era

d) Harsha Era

Answer. a) the Gupta era is also known as the Vallabhi era.

52. In which of the following inscriptions victory of Skandagupta over the Huns is mentioned?

a) Junagarh Inscription

b) Allahabad Inscription

c) Hathigumpha Inscription

d) Bhitari Inscription

Answer. d) Bhitary inscription

53. Who was the literature scholar of the Gupta Age?

a) Kalidasa

b) Bhairvi

c) Harisena

d) All of the above

Answer. d) All of the above


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