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What do you mean by “Technology Transfer”? How far this can be useful in disseminating complex Technology? Explain.। UPPSC General Studies-III Mains Solutions 2019


What do you mean by “Technology Transfer”? How far this can be useful in disseminating complex Technology? Explain.

( UPPSC, UP PCS Mains General Studies-III/GS-3 2019)


Sharing or transferring technical knowledge, inventions, trade secret, data, design, or other technologies from one entity to another is known as Technology transfer. 

Technology transfer generally happens from a research and development organization or developed country to a developing country or organization.

At present, most technology transfer happens between developing countries and developing countries by the private sector.

After the Liberalization, Privatization, and Globalization ( LPG) reforms of 1991 in India, several Indian companies received technology from foreign private companies in the form of collaborations. For example, In 2018 Maruti Suzuki’s ( Indian Company) first electric car is based on technology from Suzuki Motor ( Japanese Company).

The goal of technology transfer is to benefit the both provider and the recipient. As far as technology transfer in India is concerned, foreign organizations share technology transfers with Indian companies to access the huge Indian market, and at the same time, Indian companies and Indian people also get benefitted from them.

Technology transfer plays a crucial role in disseminating complex technology for the following reasons-

Capacity Building:

Technology transfer increases the capacity of the recipient organization or industry. This includes training and skill development.

Collaboration and partnership:

Collaboration allows for ongoing support, knowledge exchange, and continuous improvement of technology through feedback and interaction.

Knowledge and Expertise Sharing:

Technology transfer involves the exchange of exchanges and expertise.

Customization and Adaptation: 

Transfer of technology also enables the recipient to customize and adopt complex technologies and adapt complex technology to suit their requirement.

However, disseminating complex technology through technology transfer has some challenges like-

Knowledge Gap: 

The knowledge gap between provider and receiver is a major hindrance to technology transfer.

Infrastructure and resources:

Implementing complex technology require significant infrastructure and resources on the recipient side.

Intellectual property rights: Protecting intellectual rights is key to establishing a fair and mutually beneficial technology transfer.

Despite the challenges, technology transfer is very useful in disseminating complex technology. It facilitates the sharing of knowledge, access to advanced technologies, capacity building, and other benefits. It also improves productivity, resource conservation, economic growth, and improving the lives of millions of people.

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