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Why is India opposed to mediation in Kashmir? | UPPSC General Studies-II Mains Solutions 2018


Why is India opposed to mediation in Kashmir? 

 (UPPSC, UP PCS Mains General Studies-II/GS-2 2018)


Jammu and Kashmir are the main reasons for the dispute between India and Pakistan. India has long opposed the mediation in the Kashmir struggle.

The following are the main reasons for India opposing third-party mediation on the Kashmir issue -

Bilateral approach:

India has constantly stated that the Kashmir dispute is bilateral between India and Pakistan. India sees international arbitration as violating its sovereignty and believes that conflict can only be resolved through direct dialogue.

Shimla Agreement:

The Shimla Agreement signed in 1972 establishes outlines for bilateral relations between India and Pakistan. It emphasizes the commitment to resolving all outstanding issues including Kashmir through peaceful means and bilateral talks. The Shimla agreement rejects any third-party participation.

Territorial integrity:

We (India) see the Kashmir region as an integral part of our sovereign region. The mediation of the party reduces our sovereignty and regional integrity. We (India) argue that the matter should be fully resolved through bilateral negotiations to ensure a permanent and acceptable solution for all parties involved.

Lack of trust in third-party mediation:

We see a need for more fairness in the mediation of the third party. We believe that external mediators may not have a widespread understanding of the historical, political, and cultural nuances of the Kashmir struggle, possibly they may take improper decisions. India has often cited examples where these international organizations or countries have taken a stand in favor of Pakistan, which has further strengthened our doubt about mediation.

We have opposed the mediation on the issue of Kashmir for the above reasons.

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