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Which winds bring rainfall in India? Why is it so important? | Class 6- The Earth: Our Habitat ( GEOGRAPHY), SOCIAL SCIENCE


Which winds bring rainfall in India? Why is it so important?

( Chapter 8: India: Climate, Vegetation, and Wildlife, Class 6- The Earth: Our Habitat ( GEOGRAPHY), SOCIAL SCIENCE)


The southwest monsoon winds which are also simply known as monsoon winds bring rainfall to India. These winds, also known as the Indian monsoon, typically bring rainfall to the Indian subcontinent in the rainy season ( from June to September)

Monsoon winds laden with moisture blow from the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea towards the land of India.

Monsoon winds are crucial for several reasons:


The monsoon provides the majority of India's annual rainfall ( more than 75 %), essential for agriculture. It supports the cultivation of crops like rice, wheat, and sugarcane, which are the staple food for the majority of Indians.

Water Resources: 

The monsoon replenishes water reservoirs, rivers, groundwater, and lakes, ensuring a steady water supply for irrigation, drinking, and industrial use throughout the year.

Economic Impact: 

Agriculture forms a significant portion of India's economy, and the success of crops heavily depends on the monsoon. A good monsoon season can boost economic growth, while a poor one can lead to food shortages and economic challenges.


The monsoon sustains diverse ecosystems in India, from forests to wetlands. It's essential for the health of these environments and the wildlife they support.

Cultural Significance: 

The monsoon is deeply ingrained in Indian culture, celebrated in festivals like Teej and Onam. 

Most of the region of India except the Tamil Nadu coast and part of the Andhra coast do not receive rainfall from southwest monsoon winds however they receive rains by north-easter monsoon winds or retreating monsoon.

In summary, the southwest monsoon winds play a pivotal role in India's agriculture, economy, environment, and culture, making them vital for the nation's well-being and development.

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