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Give reasons, why people of the Sahara desert wear heavy robes? | Class 7 NCERT - Our Environment ( GEOGRAPHY), SOCIAL SCIENCE


Give reasons, why people of the Sahara desert wear heavy robes?

( Chapter 9: Life in the Deserts, Class 7- Our Environment ( GEOGRAPHY), SOCIAL SCIENCE)


People in the Sahara Desert often wear heavy robes for several practical reasons that help them cope with the extreme desert climate:

Sun Protection: 

The Sahara Desert is known for scorching hot temperatures and intense sunlight. Heavy robes made of thick, tightly woven fabric provide a physical barrier against the sun's harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays, helping to prevent sunburn and heatstroke.


Heavy robes help regulate body temperature. The thick fabric can insulate the wearer from the extreme temperature fluctuations between the blistering hot days and the much cooler nights in the desert.

Dust and Sand Protection:

The Sahara desert is known for sandstorms and dust, which can be abrasive and irritating to the skin, eyes, and respiratory system. Heavy robes with hoods and face coverings can shield individuals from these harsh environmental elements.

Cultural Significance: 

In many Saharan cultures, traditional clothing, such as the djellaba, serves as a form of modesty and cultural identity. These garments are often designed with loose, flowing fabric that provides comfort.

Nomadic Lifestyle: 

Many people in the Sahara, especially nomadic groups like the Bedouins and Tuaregs, have adapted their clothing to suit their way of life. Heavy robes offer protection during long journeys across the desert and can serve as bedding or shelter when necessary.

Overall, the heavy robes worn in the Sahara Desert are a practical and adaptive response to the challenging environmental conditions of extreme heat, strong sunlight, sandstorms, and temperature fluctuations. They provide protection, comfort, and cultural identity for those living in this arid region.

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