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Dam failures are always catastrophic, especially on the downstream side, resulting in a Colossal loss of life and property. Analyze the various causes of dam failures. Give two examples of large dam failures. | UPSC 2023 General Studies Paper 3 Mains PYQ


Dam failures are always catastrophic, especially on the downstream side, resulting in a Colossal loss of life and property. Analyze the various causes of dam failures. Give two examples of large dam failures. 

(UPSC 2023 General Studies Paper 3 (Main) Exam, Answer in 150 words)


Dam Failure is one type of human-made disaster, that is always catastrophic, especially on the downstream side, resulting in a Colossal loss of life and property.

The following are two examples of large Dam failures:

Machchu Dam Failure: 

Machhu Dam is located in Morbi, Gujarat. It failed in 1979 due to heavy rainfall and improper maintenance, which killed about 1800 to 25000 people. 

Banqiao and Shimantan Dam:

Banqiao and Shimantan Dams are located in Zhuadian, China. It failed in 1975 due to heavy rainfall triggered by Typhoon Nina, which killed about 26000 to 2,40000 people.

Causes of Dam Failures:

Dam failures can be caused by a combination of natural and human-induced factors. 

The following are the major causes of Dam Failures:

Heavy rainfall:

Heavy rainfall leads to overflow and overtopping, causing dam failure. Heavy rainfall is the primary cause of dam bursts in the world.

Foundation Failure and poor design:

Weaknesses or instability in the Dam's foundation also lead to dam failure.


Earthquakes or ground shaking damage the dam structure, which causes dam failure. For Example, the 2001 Earthquake in Bhuj, Gujarat, damaged many dams in the region. 

Glacial outburst:

In the mountainous region, the sudden release of glacier water leads to dam failure.

Poor Operation and Poor Maintenance :

Inadequate maintenance of the old dam and operational delay in releasing water leads to dam failure.

In summary, Machchu and Banqiao dam failures highlight the importance of addressing Dam failure. There is a need to focus on design, construction, maintenance, and natural factors, to prevent dam failures and mitigate their catastrophic consequences. Ongoing monitoring, maintenance, and safety standards are important in ensuring the stability and safety of dams.

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