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Under which Article of the Constitution of India is the Village Panchayat organized?

 Under which Article of the Constitution of India is the Village Panchayat organized?

a) Article 38

b) Article 39

c) Article 37

d) Article 40

Answer. d) Article 40

About the Directive Principle of State Policy ( DPSP):

The directive Principle of State Policy ( DPSP) is mentioned in Part IV and Articles 36 to 51 of the constitution.

It is borrowed from Ireland ( Irish Constitution).

The Directive Principle of State Policy ( DPSP) aimed to establish the social and economic state ( Welfare State). 

DPSP is not enforceable and not justifiable.

DPSP is a novel feature of the constitution by BR Ambedkar.

DPSP is also called an “Instrument of Instruction”.

Champakam Dorairanjan case (1951) ruled that in case of conflict between the Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles, Fundamental rights would prevail.

Golaknath Case ( 1967)  ruled that Fundamental rights are “sacrosanct” and parliament does not have the power to amend them.

Minerva Mills case (1980) ruled that the Indian constitution is founded on the bedrock of the balance between the Fundamental Rights and Directive principles.

Important Articles related to Directive Principle of State Policy ( DPSP):

Article 37: Directive Principle of State Policy ( DPSP) is not enforceable in any court.

Article 38: Welfare State.

Article 39: Justice for All, Healthy Development of Children.

Article 39 A, Equal Justice, and free legal aid.

Article 40: Village Panchayat.

Article 43: To secure a living wage and a decent standard of life.

Article 43 A: Participation of Workers in Management of Industries. 

Article 43 B: Co-operative societies by 97th Constitution Amendment 2011.

Article 44: Uniform Civil Code.

Article 45: was amended by the 86th Amendment Act of 2002 for compulsory elementary education.

Article 47: To prohibit the consumption of drinks and drugs.

Article 48: To prohibit the slaughter of cows, calves, other milch, and drought cattle.

Article 48 A, was added to the 42nd Constitutional Amendment Act of 1976 to Safeguard of Environment, Forest, and wildlife.

Article 50: The separation of the Judiciary from the executive.

Article 51 of the Indian Constitution is related to Indian Foreign Policy.

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