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Who among the following attended the "first session" of the round table conference?

 Who among the following attended the "first session" of the round table conference?

a) Tej bahadur Sapru

b) M K Gandhi

c) Abdul Kalam Azad

d) S C Bose

Answer. a) Tej bahadur Sapru

Round Table Conference:

There were three round table conferences were organized in London to discuss the report of the "Simon Commission".

Tej Bahadur Sapru and BR Ambedkar participated in all three round conferences. 

Mahatma Gandhi Participated in the second round of conferences after the Gandhi-Irwin Pact ( 1931).

First Round Table Conference: November 1930 to January 1931

Second Round Table Conference: September 1931 to December 1931

Third Round Table Conference: November 1932 to December 1932

Tej Bahadur Sapru: 

Tej Bahadur Sapru mediated between Gandhi and the Viceroy Lord Irwin. 

He participated in all three round table conferences.

He was the president of the All India Liberal Federation.

He was a member of the Constitutional Assembly.

Role of M K Gandhi in Indian Freedom Struggle:

2 October 1869: Born in Porbandar Gujarat.

1907: The first Satyagraha in South Africa.

1915: He returned to India on 9 January 1915. This day is celebrated as Pravasi Bhartiya Diwas. The title of Mahatma was given to Gandhi by Rabindranath Tagore in 1915.

1917:Chamaparan Satyagrah. It was the first Satygrah of Mahatma Gandhi in India.

1918 ( 22 March): Kheda Satyagrah.

1918 ( 15 March): Ahmedabad Mill Strikes. It was the first hunger strike of Mahatma Gandhi.

1917-1918: The Satyagraha Movement

1919-1924: Khilafat Movement

1920: Non-Cooperation Movement

1924: Mahatma Gandhi became the president of the Indian National Congress at Belgaum in 1924.

1930: Dandi March.

1930: Civil Disobedience Movement.

1942: Quit India Movement. "do or die" slogan of Gandhi. 

1945: Subhash Chandra Bose gave the "Father of the Nation title" to Mahatma Gandhi.

30 January 1948: Death of Mahatma Gandhi, Birla House, New Delhi.

"My Experiment with Truth" is an autobiography of Mahatma Gandhi.

Hind Swaraj, Navjivan, Harijan, Young India, and Indian Opinion are magazines published by Mahatma Gandhi. 

About Abdul Kalam Azad:

Abdul Kalam Azad was the youngest president of the Indian National Congress in 1923, he was 35 years old.

Maulana Abul Kalam Azad was the longest-serving President of Congress( 1923, 1940-1946) before the independence of India.

"Al-Hilal" is a newspaper published by Abdul Kalam Azad in 1912.

The book "India Wins Freedom" was written by Abdul Kalam Azad.

He was the first education minister of the independence of India ( 1947 to 1958). 

11 November is celebrated as National Education Day. This is a day dedicated to the birth anniversary of Maulana Abul Kalam Azad.

Subhas Chandra Bose:

Subhas Chandra Bose presided over the Haripura ( 1938) session and Tripuri Session ( 1939) of the Indian National Congress. In 1939, he defeated  Pattabhi Sitaramayya who was supported by Mahatma Gandhi, and won the Presidentship of Congress, but later resigned as he did not want to create difference between Gandhi. 

He formed "Forward Block" in 1939.

In 1943, he went to Singapore and joined INA ( Indian National Army), which was founded by Mohan Singh in 1942.

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