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“Public service is recognized on the basis of tolerance and compassion towards the weaker section of the society.” Explain the values of tolerance and compassion in this context. | UPPSC General Studies 4 Mains ETHICS Solutions 2018


“Public service is recognized on the basis of tolerance and compassion towards the weaker section of the society.” Explain the values of tolerance and compassion in this context.
( UPPSC, UP PCS Mains General Studies-4 2019, 8 Marks)


Public services mean proving services to all communities and also safeguarding the interest of weaker sections of society with maintaining the highest level of integrity, impartiality, and democratic values.
Weaker sections of society are SC/ST/OBC/Women/Minorities in the Indian context and currently, they are facing many problems such as untouchability, superstition, social stigma, sense of insecurity of life, property, customs, religion, language, etc. 

Tolerance and compassion are the two main human values in public services that can safeguard the interest of the weaker section of society.

Values of Tolerance in public services;
In the context of public services, tolerance refers to the ability to accept and respect the differences between individuals or groups, regardless of their background, belief, or identity. 

Tolerance is respect and acceptance of other opinions, customs, beliefs, religions, practices, etc which are different from self.

India is a very diverse country politically, socially, and culturally. Tolerance acts as a bonding between different communities.
Tolerance values promote that everyone deserves to be treated with dignity and respect, and considered diversity a strength that enriches society as a whole. Therefore, tolerance helps the weaker section of society live with respect and dignity.

Tolerance helps healthy discussion between different opinions in democratic ways which results in better decisions that help in the upliftment of weaker sections of society. Tolerance values in civil servants help them to safeguard and provide solutions for the weaker section of society.

Value of compassion in civil services;
Compassion is a deeper level of empathy and helping proactively to alleviate the problems of people who are suffering.  It is a fundamental human value that motivates individuals to help others in need. 
Compassion values help civil servants to recognize and provide for the needs of the weaker section of society. 

Tolerance and compassion, are both values that are the foundation of a just and equitable society.  By practicing tolerance, public service can ensure that all individuals are treated with fairness and respect, while compassion helps civil servants to actively work towards addressing the challenges faced by the weaker section of society. 

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