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The web of life is seamless and the consequences of disruption to one part of the ecosystem ripple throughout the whole.| UPSC geography optional paper 1 2019

"The web of life is seamless and the consequences of disruption to one part of the ecosystem ripple throughout the whole." Elaborate.

(UPSC geography optional paper 1 2019, 15 Marks)


Each organism and abiotic component play unique roles in the ecosystem and they are dependent on each other for survival and for the health of the ecosystem. If any part of the ecosystem or any organism or abiotic components gets disturbed than the effect of disruption can be seen in the whole ecosystem.

For example, In the pond ecosystem:
There are two major components. Biotic and abiotic components.
Biotic components:

  • Producer: Phytoplankton
  • Primary consumer: Zooplankton
  • Secondary consumer: small fish
  • Tertiary consumer: Large fish, Birds, humans.
Abiotic components:
  • Soil, water, Sunlight, Minerals, nutrients.
Organisms interact with each other through energy flow and symbioses interaction such as mutualism, competition, amensalism, predation, etc.
Organisms and abiotic components interact with each other through photosynthesis and biochemical cycle such as nitrogen, oxygen, chemical cycle.

The whole interaction system gets disturbed by the disruption of any part of the ecosystem. 

If phytoplankton gets disappeared suddenly in the pond ecosystem then:
  • There would be no food left for zooplankton and zooplankton will die.
  • Fishes will also die because of no zooplankton to eat.
  • Other species such as birds, animals, humans who are dependent on fish for their food will be negatively affected.
  • The whole ecosystem gets disrupted because of the disappearance of phytoplankton.

When phytoplankton dies in large number;
  • When phytoplankton dies they settled on the bottom of the pond, bacteria start decomposing dead phytoplankton. They need huge oxygen for decomposing. As a result, the oxygen level in the water gets depleted and all species in that water would die because of a shortage of oxygen and pond will convert to the dead zone.
In the same way, if fish get disappeared than the zooplankton number will increase and they will eat all phytoplankton. At the result, no phytoplankton for eating and finally zooplankton will die.
If there is no sunlight or soil or minerals that no photosynthesis process

As a result, plants and animals would not survive.
By the above examples, we can conclude that each organism and abiotic components are important for their survival and health of the ecosystem, disruption of any part of ecosystem ripple throughout the whole.
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