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India Nepal relations | India Nepal Border Issues UPSC | International boundary of India and related issues | Political Aspects | Geography of India

Table of Contents:

  • India and Nepal Relations
  • India and Nepal Border dispute
  • What are the main irritants in Indo-Napal bilateral relations? ( UPPSC 2019)
  • Discuss the role of the Chinese factor behind strained relations between India and Nepal. ( UPPSC 2021)
  • What are the contention issues between India and Nepal? Explain. ( UPPSC 2022)

India and Nepal Relations:

Nepal is located on the northern side of India and it is a friendly neighboring country. However, the relationship between India and Nepal is complex and characterized by historical, cultural, and geographical ties.

The India-Nepal border is approximately 1750 kilometers long, and it spans a diverse range of terrains including plains, hills, and mountains. There are four Indian states that share a border with Nepal, namely Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal, and Sikkim. 

The details of the statewide India-Nepal border length are as follows:

  • Uttarakhand: 305 km
  • Uttar Pradesh: 651 km
  • Bihar: 601 km
  • West Bengal: 96 km
  • Sikkim:97

The western border of India and Nepal is marked by the Kali River, and it acts as a natural boundary for a significant portion of their shared border. 

The western border includes the Kalapani-Lipulekh-Limpiyadhura region ( Pithoragarh district of Uttarakhand) in the northwestern Himalayas. The border is disputed because of differing interpretations of historical agreements and geographical features.

Therefore, there are mainly two border disputes-

  • Kalapani region ( Pithoragarh district of Uttarakhand)
  • Susta region ( Part of Champaran district of Bihar)

Various diplomatic efforts are ongoing to address these border disputes.


What are the main irritants in Indo-Napal bilateral relations?

( UPPSC, UP PCS Mains General Studies-II/GS-2 2019)


Indo-Nepal bilateral relations have experienced various challenges and irritants over the years. 

Some of the main irritants that have affected the relationship between the two neighboring countries include:

Border Disputes: 

Border disputes have been a longstanding issue between India and Nepal. The two countries have had disagreements over the delineation of their shared border, particularly in certain areas like Kalapani, Lipulekh, and Limpiyadhura. These disputes have led to tensions and occasional diplomatic standoffs.

Political Interference: 

Nepal has accused India of interfering in its internal political affairs on multiple occasions. This perception of interference has sometimes strained diplomatic ties between the two nations.

Blockade of 2015: 

In 2015, Nepal faced an economic blockade when protesters in the Terai region, with close cultural and ethnic ties to India, blocked key trade points along the border. Nepal accused India of unofficially supporting the blockade, leading to a significant strain in relations.

Issues of Nationalism and Sovereignty: 

At times, nationalist sentiments in both countries have led to tensions. Some Nepalese have expressed concerns over their country's sovereignty and its relationship with its larger neighbor.

Hydropower Projects and Water Sharing: 

Nepal's plans for hydropower development and concerns related to water resources management have been a point of contention. There have been discussions and disagreements between the two countries over water-sharing agreements.

Cross-Border Migration and Security: 

The movement of people across the open border between India and Nepal has occasionally raised security concerns for both countries, including issues related to undocumented migration and cross-border criminal activities.

Cultural and Historical Matters: 

There have been occasional sensitivities and differences regarding cultural heritage, religious sites, and historical narratives that both countries hold dear.

It's important to note that Indo-Nepal relations have also seen periods of cooperation and goodwill, and both countries share deep cultural, historical, and people-to-people ties. Despite the irritants, they have engaged in ongoing dialogue to address and resolve these issues. Diplomatic efforts and constructive dialogues are essential in managing and mitigating the irritants and fostering a mutually beneficial relationship between India and Nepal. 


Discuss the role of the Chinese factor behind strained relations between India and Nepal.

( UPPSC, UP PCS Mains General Studies-II/GS-2 2021)


The role of the "Chinese factor" has been a significant aspect contributing to strained relations between India and Nepal in recent years. 

The dynamics between India, Nepal, and China are complex and intertwined, with historical, geopolitical, and strategic considerations at play. 

Here are some key factors that highlight the role of China in the strained relations between India and Nepal:

Geopolitical Competition: 

India and China share a complex relationship characterized by geopolitical competition in the South Asian region. Nepal, being geographically situated between India and China, has become a point of interest in their strategic calculations. China's increasing influence in Nepal has raised concerns in India about encirclement and challenges to its traditional sphere of influence.

Infrastructure Projects and Connectivity: 

China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) aims to enhance connectivity and infrastructure development across regions, including South Asia. Nepal's participation in certain BRI projects has caused apprehension in India due to potential strategic implications and perceived economic leverage that China may gain in Nepal.

Border Disputes: 

Nepal and India share an open and porous border, but there have been disputes over certain areas, especially in the Kalapani, Lipulekh, and Limpiyadhura regions. China's involvement in border infrastructure projects and its overlapping territorial claims in the region have added complexity to these disputes.

Political Engagement with China: 

In recent years, Nepal has pursued a policy of balancing relations with India and China, seeking economic and political benefits from both neighbors. Some political leaders in Nepal have openly embraced closer ties with China, which has sometimes been viewed with suspicion by India.

Security Concerns: 

India has expressed concerns over Nepal's growing military engagement with China, particularly in terms of arms purchases and military exercises. These actions have been perceived by India as a potential security challenge, given their close security ties and history of cooperation.

While the Chinese factor has contributed to strained relations between India and Nepal, it is crucial to note that India and Nepal have deep historical, cultural, and people-to-people ties that form the bedrock of their relationship. Additionally, diplomatic efforts, dialogue, and mutual understanding can play a significant role in addressing issues and fostering constructive relations in the region. 


What are the contention issues between India and Nepal? Explain.

( UPPSC, UP PCS Mains General Studies-II/GS-2 2022)


India and Nepal share a unique and complex relationship due to their historical, cultural, and geographical ties. However, there have been various contentious issues between the two countries over the years, which have led to periods of strained relations. 

Some of the main contentions issues between India and Nepal are as follows:

Border Disputes: 

Border disputes have been a longstanding issue between India and Nepal. The boundary between the two countries is not clearly demarcated in some areas, leading to disagreements over territory. The Kalapani-Limpiyadhura-Lipulekh region is a prominent example of a border dispute that has caused tensions between the two nations.

Construction of Indian Infrastructure: 

Nepal has expressed concerns over the construction of Indian infrastructure projects near the border areas, such as roads and hydroelectric projects. Nepal fears that these projects could affect its environment and have implications for its sovereignty and water resources.

Trade and Transit Issues: 

Nepal is a landlocked country, and its trade and transit routes largely depend on India. There have been disagreements over trade restrictions, tariffs, and transit arrangements, which have led to economic issues and tensions in bilateral relations.

Political Interference: 

Nepal has accused India of interfering in its internal political affairs, which has been a sensitive issue for the Nepalese government and people. Such allegations have occasionally strained diplomatic ties.

Citizenship and Migration: 

The issue of citizenship and the rights of Nepalese citizens living in India and Indian citizens living in Nepal have been points of contention. Both countries have faced challenges in addressing the rights and status of these individuals.

Water Sharing: 

Water sharing of common rivers has been a contentious issue between the two countries, particularly regarding the Kosi and Gandak rivers. Disagreements over water-sharing arrangements have at times led to diplomatic tensions.

Despite these contentious issues, it is essential to recognize that India and Nepal also share a deep bond based on historical, cultural, and people-to-people connections. Both countries have been engaged in diplomatic dialogues to address their differences and find amicable solutions to their problems. 

Bilateral mechanisms such as the India-Nepal Joint Commission and high-level visits have been used to address these contentious issues and strengthen cooperation in various areas. 

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