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Write a descriptive note on Block Mountain | UPPSC 2020 Geography Optional


Write a descriptive note on Block Mountain. (UPPSC 2020)


Mountain is naturally elevated land which is generally more than 600 meters high from sea level and they have steep slopes, small summit, and broad base. There are three types of mountains-fold mountain, block mountain, and volcanic mountain.

Block mountains are created when large areas are broken and displaced vertically. The uplifted block is called Horsts and the lowered blocks are called graben.

Example of Block mountain,

  • Rhine valley in Germany.
  • Vosges mountain in France
  • Black Forest mountain in  Germany.

Block Mountain

In the following way Block mountains are formed:

The following are three ways for the formation of Block mountain

  • By upward movement of the middle block( Horst).
  • By downward movement of side blocks (Graben).
  • By downward movement of a middle block (Graben).

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