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Differentiate between different food grains. Mix grains of various kinds and separate cereals from pulses. Also, a separate fine from coarse cereals.


Differentiate between different food grains. Mix grains of various kinds and separate cereals from pulses. Also, a separate fine from coarse cereals. 

(NCERT class 12 geography, India People and Economy, Chapter-5. Land Resources and Agriculture)


Along with food security, food grains are a very important part of the Indian agriculture economy. On the basis of the composition of food grains, it is classified into two types – cereals and pulses.


  • Examples of cereals are wheat, rice, maize, jawar, Bajra, ragi, etc. Cereals are further classified into two types – fine grains and coarse grains.
  • Rice and wheat are prominent among the fine grains while jawar, Bajra, maize, and ragi are prominent among the coarse cereals.
  • The cropped area of ​​cereals accounts for 54% of the total cropped area in India and India produces about 11 percent of the world's total cereals, and China and the U.S.A. India ranks third in grain production after


  • Apart from cereals, pulses are very important food grains as they are rich sources of protein. India is a major producer of pulses in the world and pulses are cultivated India in the arid(dry) lands of the Deccan plateau, the central plateau, and the north-western parts of India.
  • 11% of India's total cropped area is used for growing pulses. Chana(grams) and Tur (Arhar) pulses are important pulse crops in India.

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