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Describe the role of roads in the economic development of India.


Describe the role of roads in the economic development of India.

(NCERT class 12 geography, India People and Economy, Chapter-10: Transport and Communication)


India's road network is the second largest in the world after the United States. It is the most comprehensive transport system in India. According to the annual report 2020-21, the total road network of India is 62.16 lakh km which is 100 times more than the total railway network of India.

Roads play the following roles in India's economic development:

Road transport is the basis of not only economic development but also social development, defense sectors, and access to basic things for life. According to a report, about 85 percent of passenger and 70 percent of goods traffic is carried by roads every year, this gives us an idea of ​​its importance.

To say that air transport is most suitable for inaccessible areas like mountains, plateaus, etc. But the reality is that even today people living in hilly areas use road transport to fulfill their needs, there are no other means there.

Road transport is best suited for short distances and it directly connects producers with consumers.

Road network is vital for transporting defense equipment to the border.

The construction of road networks provides employment to lakhs of people directly and indirectly.

Urbanization is seen with the development of road networks and hence facilitates the urbanization process.

Road transport is important for rural to urban, rural to rural, and urban to urban connectivity, movement of people, movement of goods, and development.

Rural roads also connect the village to the village and the city. Rural roads are important to the rural economy as well as to the urban economy as it transports agricultural goods to urban centers and urban goods to rural areas.

The National Highway connects the important cities of India and it also connects the various capitals of the states. It is a means of fast movement of goods and services in the major cities of India. For example, the Golden Quadrilateral road connects four major metro cities of India- Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, and Kolkata.

State highways and district highways ensure the movement of goods and services in the major cities of the states.

Roads also connect various urban nodes in the port city and allow a smooth flow of goods and services. The Sagar Mala project connects various port cities.

Roads also connect remote border villages; ensuring the security of border areas.

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