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Do you think that physical barrier is a hindrance in interaction with our neighbouring countries in modern times?


Do you think that physical barrier is a hindrance in interaction with our neighbouring countries in modern times? Give some examples of how we have overcome these difficulties in the present day.

(Chapter-1 India — Location, Class 11 NCERT geography "India Physical Environment")


In the past, when we did not have air transport it was very difficult to cross the Himalayas and it acted as a physical barrier between India and Tibet. A physical barrier like a mountain was a major obstacle in the past in interaction with neighboring countries.

In modern times, following the development of modern means of transport and communication such as air transport and the Internet, physical distance is no longer a hindrance to our interactions with neighboring countries.

Roadways and railways are other means which help in establishing connectivity with our neighboring countries.

Air transport is the fastest mode of transport and is not affected by the topography or relief of the land. Now humans can reach any part of the earth within 36 hours by air travel.

For example,

Direct air connectivity from New Delhi to the capital of neighboring countries enables you to reach within 2 to 5 hours of travel.

Direct connectivity between neighboring countries is possible due to the development of telecommunications and the Internet.

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