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Describe the geographical conditions required for the growth of rice.


 Describe the geographical conditions required for the growth of rice.

( Chapter - 4 Agriculture, Cass X NCERT Contemporary India -II )


Rice is the staple food of almost all parts of India. India is the second largest producer of rice in the world after China.

Rice or paddy crop is a Kharif crop and rice cultivation requires the following suitable geographical conditions:

Climate, plains, and soil are the three major geographical factors that affect the growth of paddy crops.


Rice crop requires moist and tropical to sub-tropical climate.

The average temperature for rice crops should be more than 25-degree centigrade.

The annual rainfall should be more than 100 cm for rice crops.

It can be grown on irrigated land in tropical and subtropical climates.

Soil :

The suitable soil for paddy crops is alluvial soil and for paddy crops, there should be a flat field.

It can also be cultivated in hilly areas by making a flat terraced field.

The following are the major rice cultivation areas:

  • Plains of the Indus-Ganga-Brahmaputra basin.
  • East Coast of India
  • Delta region of India.
geographical distribution of paddy crops

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