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Indifferent or passive attitudes towards such road accidents and accident victims. Discuss its causes and suggest remedies | UPPSC ethics paper 2021 solutions


Rajeev was a migrant laborer. One day when he was going on the road on his bicycle, a car pushed his bicycle. Rajeev dragged the driver out of the car and began abusing him. The driver took out a knife and after stabbing him three-four times he fled away from the spot. Outlookers delayed rush Rajeev to hospital and due to excessing bleeding,  he died. If you were in place of Rajeev,  what you would have done for the driver's irresponsible driving? Often people show indifferent or passive attitudes towards such road accidents and accident victims. Discuss its causes and suggest remedies. 

(UPPSC GS paper 4 2021)


Abusing or doing any kind of violence is not the right solution to a problem. If I were in place of Rajiv, I would have informed the police or traffic police about his irresponsible driving, not abusing him. It is unethical to abuse someone and at the same time, it would be wrong to punish the car driver without knowing the mental state or car condition.

Often people show indifferent or passive attitudes towards such road accidents and accident victims because of many reasons like lack of awareness about road safety, insufficient traffic law enforcement, and indifference to accident victims. People often blame the accident victim and assume that this was the fate of the accident victim. And do not hold the driver accountable for his actions. People often believe that nothing can be done to prevent such accidents and therefore consider it best to accept it and show indifferent or passive attitudes towards such road accidents and accident victims.

The following are the remedies for such road accidents -

We need awareness of the importance to follow road safety and traffic rules.

We should encourage people to report such road accidents to traffic police or officials to avoid any kind of violence.

Law enforcement officers should take strict action to prevent such accidents.

We need to promote sympathy and compassion for the victims and their families.

In short, we should encourage sympathy and compassion for the victims and we should work towards creating a society where road safety is a priority and accountability for irresponsible driving.

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