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What do you understand by emotional intelligence? Discuss its dimensions. | UPPSC General Studies 4 Mains ETHICS Solutions 2022


What do you understand by emotional intelligence? Discuss its dimensions. (UPPSC 2022)


Emotional intelligence has the ability to effectively perceive, understand, manage, and express emotions. Emotional intelligence is a type of value and skill required for civil servants because it involves recognizing and regulating one's own feelings, as well as understanding others' feelings and reacting accordingly.

The concept of emotional intelligence was first introduced in the 1990s by Peter Salovi and John Mayor, however, it was Daniel Goleman, who explained the concept of emotional intelligence in his book 'Emotional Intelligence' in 1995.

Emotional intelligence is considered a better knower of success in life and has given more importance than traditional measurements of such intelligence as IQ.

Dimensions of emotional intelligence; There are many dimensions of emotional intelligence, and some of them are listed below-

  • Self-awareness
  • Self-regulation
  • Social qualities (skill)
  • Empathy
  • Motivation

 Self-awareness [self-knowledge]; A person with emotional intelligence should have the ability to recognize and understand his feelings, as well as they should also know the effects on the feelings of others with their thoughts and behavior.

Self-regulation; Self-regulation of emotions means the ability to control and manage emotions and behaviors, especially when there is a challenging situation.

Social Skills; The social skill dimension of emotional intelligence refers to the ability to effectively communicate and maintain and maintain relationships effectively.

Empathy; The empathy dimension of emotional intelligence includes the ability to recognize and understand the feelings of others and to give solutions to their concern.

Motivation; The motivation dimension of emotional intelligence motivates the person from completing the goals and protects them from distractions.

 In summary, we can say, emotional intelligence is the skills that individuals are required to manage themselves and others, create strong relationships, and achieve their goals.

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