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Discuss and evaluate the relevance of "Objectivity" in the context of the Civil Service. | UPPSC General Studies 4 Mains ETHICS Solutions 2018


Discuss and evaluate the relevance of "Objectivity" in the context of the Civil Service.

 ( UPPSC, UP PCS Mains General Studies-4/Ethics 2018)


Objectivity refers to the ability to evaluate information and make decisions based on facts and evidence, without being influenced by personal biases, emotions, or external factors.

The objectivity of a decision means a decision based on the rigorous analysis of evidence rather than personal or political consideration.

The following are some relevance of objectivity in the context of the civil service;

Ensuring fairness: Objectivity is essential for ensuring fairness in decision-making. Civil servants must make decisions based on objective criteria, such as the law, policy, and evidence, rather than personal or political considerations.

Promoting efficiency; When decisions are made based on objective criteria Objectivity is critical in promoting efficiency in civil services.

Enhancing transparency: The objective decision leads to impartiality and enhances transparency in public services. When the decisions are made on the basis of objectivity, they are more likely to be transparent, and citizens can understand how and why decisions were made.

Objective decisions tend to be more sustainable.

In conclusion, objectivity is one of the foundation values of civil services. It ensures fairness, enhances accountability, promotes efficiency, and improves transparency.

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