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Discuss the role of Science and Technology in national security. । UPPSC General Studies-III Mains Solutions 2022


Discuss the role of Science and Technology in national security.

( UPPSC, UP PCS Mains General Studies-III/GS-3 2022)


Science and Technology play important roles in the national security of any country. India has made much progress in science and technology development related to civil and military applications. India has established high-tech institutions like DRDO, BARC, ISRO, IITs, CSIR labs, and many more to promote science and technology in the country, especially in for national security.

Here are some contributions of Science and Technology to national security especially in India;

Science and Technology have contributed many things in the field of military applications, intelligence and counter-terrorism, cyber security, and disaster management to strengthen the national security of India.

Military Applications; Science and Technology have contributed many things to the country's military infrastructure like developing advanced weapons, communication systems, surveillance technologies, and other equipment. Science and technology have developed space and nuclear capabilities which is critical components of national security.

Intelligence and counter-terrorism; Science and technology have developed many tools that provide analysis information, advanced surveillance technologies, satellite imagery, data analysis tools, etc; that are used to monitor and analyze threats; it will help in counter-terrorism strategy for both domestic and foreign threats.

 Cyber security; Science and technology has developed advanced encryption, decryption technologies, firewall, and intrusion detection systems to protect critical infrastructure and prevent cyber-attacks.

 Disaster Management; Science and technology has also contributed to disaster management and relief operation that has also vital for national security. Advanced technologies like remote sensing and GIS are used to predict and manage natural disasters and coordinate rescue and relief operations.

 In conclusion, Science and technology have contributed to advanced technology in the field of military operations, space, intelligence, cyber security, and disaster management operation; and all of them contributes to India’s national security.

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