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Throw light on the challenges and problems of farmers and the agriculture sector in Uttar Pradesh. | UPPSC General Studies-II Mains Solutions 2018


Throw light on the challenges and problems of farmers and the agriculture sector in Uttar Pradesh. Suggest measures for improvement.

 (UPPSC, UP PCS Mains General Studies-II/GS-2 2018)


The economy of Uttar Pradesh is based on the agricultural sector, and about 65 percent of the state's population depends on agriculture. The agricultural sector in Uttar Pradesh (UP), like many other parts of India, faces many challenges and problems.

The following are some of the major issues that are in front of farmers and the agriculture sector in Uttar Pradesh, as well as measures suggested for improvement:

Fragmented Landholding:

Uttar Pradesh has a large number of small and fragmented lands due to the equal division of land among farmers' sons, which obstructs the economies of scale and reduces productivity. Measures such as land consolidation programs, promoting cooperative farming, and facilities for machinery and technology can help solve this issue.

Lack of irrigation facilities:

Dependence on monsoons and insufficient irrigation facilities is an important challenge for agricultural productivity. Investing in the infrastructure of irrigation, promoting water-skilled farming practices, and encouraging the adoption of micro-irrigation systems can increase water availability and improve crop productivity.

Low agricultural productivity:

Low productivity due to the use of chronic farming practices, insufficient access to quality input, and limiting technology is a frequent challenge. Educational education and training programs of farmers, expansion services, access to credit, and promoting the use of modern agricultural techniques including mechanization and accurate agriculture can help increase productivity.

Inadequate market infrastructure:

Lack of proper market infrastructure, including storage features, cool chains, and transport networks, increases post-harvest losses (post-harvest losses) and limits farmers' ability to reach attractive markets. The development of agricultural-processing industries, improving storage and transport facilities, and strengthening market linkage through initiatives such as peasant-maker organizations (FPOs) can address the issue.

Crop Diversification and Risk Management:

High dependence on some crops such as wheat and rice, exposes farmers to instability and market risks. Introducing high-values and climate-flexible crops, promoting agroforestry, and implementing crop insurance schemes can help reduce crop diversification and help reduce risks and improve income stability for farmers.

Credit and access to financial services:

Limited access to institutional credit and financial services prevents investment in agriculture and restrictions the ability of farmers to adopt modern techniques. Extending access to formal credit institutions, promoting farmer-friendly loan schemes, and increasing financial literacy among farmers can help solve the issue.

Addressing farmer crisis:

The agricultural sector in Uttar Pradesh also faces challenges related to the farmer crisis, including indebtedness, crop failure, and lack of social security. Strengthening rural infrastructure, providing time and inexpensive credit, implementing social welfare schemes, and promoting farmer-friendly policies can help the farmer to reduce the crisis and improve their livelihood.

Strengthen research and development:

Investing in agricultural research and development, supporting the development and spread of field-specific technologies, and promoting cooperation between research institutes, farmers and agricultural extension services can run innovation and improve agricultural practices.

To effectively address these challenges, it is necessary to adopt a multi-dimensional approach, including the government, agricultural institutions, farmers' cooperative societies, and other stakeholders. Implementing these measures prioritizes the welfare and empowerment of farmers along with policy reforms, can contribute to the overall development and development of the agriculture sector in Uttar Pradesh.

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