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Which of the following states was formed in the year 2000?

 Which of the following states was formed in the year 2000?

a) Sikkim

b) Odisha

c) Goa

d) Uttarakhand

Answer. d) Uttarakhand

In 2000, three states were formed-

Chhattisgarh- 1 November, 2000

Jharkhand- 9 November, 2000

Uttarakhand-15 November 2000.

State Formation in Chronological Order:

1953: Andhra Pradesh

1960: Gujarat

1963: Nagaland

1966: Haryana

1971: Himachal Pradesh

1972: Manipur

1972: Tripura

1972: Meghalaya

1975: Sikkim 

1987: Mizoram

1987: Arunanchal

1987: Goa

2000 ( 1 Novemeber) : Chhatisgarh

2000 ( 9 November): Uttarakhand

2000 ( Uttarakhand): Jharkhand

2014: Telangana


Sikkim was the 22nd state of India by the 36th Constitutional Amendment Act 1975.


Goa was liberated in 1961 under Operation Vijay from the Portuguese. 

Goa became a state on 30 May 1987.


Odisha was formed on 1 April 1936. 

Utkala Diwas, also known as the Odisha Diwas.

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