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Discuss the major facilities offered by the Government of Uttar Pradesh for the development of horticulture in the State. | UPPSC General Studies-VI (6) Mains Solutions 2023


Discuss the major facilities offered by the Government of Uttar Pradesh for the development of horticulture in the State.

 (UPPSC Mains General Studies-VI/GS-6 2023 Solutions)


About Horticulture:

Horticulture crops include all fruits, vegetables, flowers, medicinal crops, spices, root and tuber crops, etc.

The Department of Horticulture and Food Processing of Uttar Pradesh is the nodal department for implementing various schemes for the development of horticulture in the state. 

Uttar Pradesh has a diverse climate ( UP has 9 agro-climatic zones) making it suitable for all kinds of horticulture crops in the state.

Horticulture provides opportunities to increase income, nutrition, and employment. 

The Netherlands is known for Horticulture as more than half of cultivation land is under horticulture.

About Uttar Pradesh:

Uttar Pradesh is the largest producer of food grains, fruits, and vegetables in India and one of the largest producers of horticultural crops.

Uttar Pradesh is the number one producer of total food grains, wheat, sugarcane, potato, mango, milk, and livestock ( excluding cows).

Uttar Pradesh is number two in rice, Bajra, and vegetable production.

Key facilities offered by the Government of Uttar Pradesh for the development of Horticulture:

  • Integrated Mission for Development of Horticulture
  • Financial Assistance
  • Establishment of drip/sprinkler irrigation system
  • National Mission on Medicinal Plants
  • Training and Technical Guidance 
  • Quality Certification

Integrated Mission for Development of Horticulture:

This mission is to provide all-around growth of the horticulture sector through research, technology promotion, extension, "post-harvest management", processing, and marketing.

It promotes the conversion of traditional crop areas to horticulture, flower, vegetable, and spice production areas.

Financial Assistance:

In the year 2015-16 in Bundelkhandand and Vidhya region, beneficiary farmers are being given Rs.3,000 per hectare for three years per month as an incentive for establishing orchards.

Establishment of drip/sprinkler irrigation system:

In India, only 8 % of agricultural land is under drip irrigation as opposed to 65 % in the United States of America.

The Uttar Pradesh government promoting drip and sprinkler irrigation to all villages( about 30000 villages) in the state. It will reduce water consumption ( latest by 30 %) and will increase soil health and productivity.

National Mission on Medicinal Plants:

The scheme is centrally sponsored ( support from both central and state) which promotes the cultivation of more and more species critical to AYUSH systems.

Training and Technical Guidance :

Uttar Pradesh's Government provides many training programs on modern horticultural practices in crop selection, cultivation techniques, pest and disease management, irrigation methods, and post-harvest management.

Quality Certification:

The government promotes quality certifications such as Good Agricultural Practices ( GAP), Organic Certification, and geographical indication ( GI) tags for their produce.

The Government of Uttar Pradesh's efforts aim to promote sustainable horticulture practices, increase farm incomes, create employment opportunities, and contribute to the overall development.

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