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Role of market town for inter regional and intra regional trade development

Discuss the role of a market town in inter-regional and intra-regional trade promotion and development. (BPSC, 63rd,2018).


First needs to know the basic terminologies of the question.

What is trade?
Trade means buying and selling goods and services.

Inter-regional trade
Trade between the two different regions is called inter-regional trade.
For examples:

  • Trade between South Asia and Southeast Asia.
  • Trade Between Rural and Urban region.
  • Trade between two different States.

Intra-regional Trades
Trade between one place to another place within the same region.
For Example,

  • Trade within the Southeast Asia region
  • Trade within the South Asia region
  • Trade within Rural areas.

Market Town
It is semi-urban areas where the public market is being held on a periodic basis, it may be daily or weekly. The concept of the market town originated in the U.K. during the industrial revolution time. The royal charter was provided for the right to host the market in particular areas.

Market towns are prominent in rural areas and the market is being held generally on a weekly basis for trade.

Role of the Market town for intra-regional development:

  • The market town provides goods and services for the surrounding rural areas.
  • If any villager wants to go to the city they can get buses, trains, etc from the market town
  • The market town provides food security and nutrition security for rural areas and urban areas as they can buy or sell fresh vegetables, food grains, fruits, medicine, etc.
  • The market town also provides Services to rural areas such as
    • Transportation of rural goods to urban areas
    • Banking services
    • Computer services
    • Post offices, etc.

Role of the Market town for inter-regional development:

  • Rural areas get urban goods and services such as they can buy a TV, Fridges, agricultural seeds, Machinery, agricultural tools, etc from the urban regions. 
  • Rural people also sell or transport rural products such as honey, food grains, vegetable, and made products to urban areas. 
  • These lead to the inter-regional development of both rural and urban regions.
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