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Differentiate between Attitude and Value |Ethics | UPPSC General Studies 4 Mains ETHICS Solutions 2018


Differentiate between Attitude and Value.

 ( UPPSC, UP PCS Mains General Studies-4/Ethics 2018)


Attitudes and values, both are derived from belief systems, however, there are differences between them.

The following are some differences between attitude and value:

Attitude refers to personal feeling ( negative, positive, or neutral feeling) about persons, object, situation, or environment whereas Values refers to personal belief or principles that guide behaviors and decision-making.

Attitude is a person's emotional response to a particular situation or object whereas Values are the valuable belief and principles that individuals do not want to compromise, and it influences a person's attitudes, behaviors, and choice.

If there is a positive attitude towards something (such as a subject, goal, or object), then the person tries to get it, while a person makes moral decisions due to good values like honesty and integrity.

Attitudes are shaped by individual value systems, experiences, information, or social influences whereas Values are shaped by culture, religion, family, and personal experience.

Examples of attitudes are positive, negative, or neutral feelings whereas examples of values are honesty, dignity, integrity, transparency, democratic, authoritarian, etc.

In summary, we can say attitude and values, both are derived from belief systems that are often shaped by culture, religion, attitudes, behaviors, personal experiences, family, or knowledge. Attitudes are personal emotional responses to a particular situation whereas values refers to principles or belief that guide behaviors and decision-making.

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