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Write a Geographical note on the Halloween storm

 Write a Geographical note on the Halloween storm. ( UPSC 2020, 10 Marks, 150 Words).


Normal Storm means bad weather or disturbed state of environment which cause loss of human and its property and disturb the economic activities. There are many types of storms; some storms are generated within the earth system such as tropical storms and some storms originated from outer space such as Halloween storms.

Halloween storms are also called Halloween solar storms or geomagnetic storms. The Source of Halloween storms is Sun. It is related to the space weather phenomenon. Sunspot activity produces coronal mass ejection and releases towards the outer space; when these coronal mass ejection reached near the earth; Due to the earth magnetic field, it protects to reach directly to the earth surface and it wraps around the earth; Sometimes when Sun releases a large amount of coronal mass, it reaches to earth in higher latitude or polar light; it is also called aurora.

Like other storms, Halloween storms also cause damage or disturb human life in the following ways;

  • Disturbance of Communicable satellites.
  • Aircraft advised avoiding the high altitude flight.
  • Power outage in higher latitude countries such as Sweden, Norway, etc.
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18 March 2022 at 20:16 ×

Sir, where these question ask from?

24 August 2023 at 18:33 ×

The Halloween Storm, also known as the Perfect Storm, refers to a severe weather event that occurred between October 28 and November 2, 1991, along the eastern seaboard of the United States and Canada. The storm was a rare combination of three weather systems - a nor'easter, a high-pressure system, and the remnants of Hurricane Grace - that converged to create a powerful extratropical cyclone.
