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“Our earth is a playfield for two opposing groups of geomorphic processes.” Discuss.


 “Our earth is a playfield for two opposing groups of geomorphic processes.” Discuss.


The landform of our earth is the result of two opposing geomorphic processes which are as follows:

  • Endogenic force
  • Exogenic force

Whatever we see the elevated landforms on the earth's surface such as mountains, plateau, hills, etc are the result of endogenic force.  The following process is caused by endogenic forces, Volcanos, earthquakes, continental building, and mountain building processes.

Exogenic forces such as weathering, erosion, etc denudate the elevated land created by endogenic force. It erodes the elevated lands and fills the basin or low areas.

So we can say that the internal force causes the landforms to rise and the exogenous force flattens the landforms; hence,  our earth is the playground of these two opposing groups of geomorphic processes.

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