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What do you mean by Ecosystem? Illustrate the components of the Ecosystem.


What do you mean by Ecosystem? Illustrate the components of the Ecosystem. ( UPPSC 2020)


The ecosystem is a geographical area and also the functional unit of nature where organisms interact with themselves and with the surrounding environment.

For example, terrestrial ecosystems such as forests, deserts, grasslands, and aquatic ecosystems such as rivers, ponds, oceans are examples of ecosystems.

Components of an ecosystem:

There are two major components of an ecosystem:

  • Biotic component
  • Abiotic component
components of the Ecosystem.

Biotic components:

  • It includes living organisms which include producers (plants), consumers, and decomposers. Due to the presence of chlorophyll in plants, they are able to make food for themselves and for the consumer through the process of photosynthesis in the presence of sunlight.
  • Consumers are also classified as primary consumers, secondary consumers, and tertiary consumers.
  • Decomposers such as bacteria and fungi are the largest parts of the food chain. Decomposers obtain nutrients from the remains of dead plants and animals.

Abiotic Components:

  • The non-living things of an ecosystem are light, carbon dioxide (CO2), soil, rocks, water, air, inorganic nutrients, etc.
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