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Which states have a large rural population in India? Give one reason for such a large rural population.


Which states have a large rural population in India? Give one reason for such a large rural population.  (

(NCERT class 12 geography, India People and Economy, Chapter 1-  Population: Distribution, Density, Growth, and Composition)


People's residence is an important indicator of social and economic characteristics. According to the 2011 census, about 68.8 percent of India's population lives in villages, meaning 68.8 percent of India's population is rural.

The distribution of the rural population is not uniform throughout the country. There is inter-state and intra-state variation in the distribution of rural populations.

In terms of the percentage of the rural population, the states of Himachal Pradesh, Bihar, and Assam have very high percentages of the rural population while Goa and Maharashtra have slightly more than half the population living in villages.

Following are some of the states which have a higher percentage of rural population:

  • Himachal Pradesh (about 90%)
  • Bihar (about 88.7%)
  • Assam (about 86%)
  • Orissa (about 83.3%)
  • Uttar Pradesh (about 78%)

Rural Population in India in terms of numbers, Uttar Pradesh and Bihar have the largest rural population in India.

Reasons responsible for such a huge rural population:

  • Low socio-economic development in the states causes a large rural population in India. Low socio-economic development includes low literacy rates—particularly female illiteracy, a large population's dependence on agricultural activities, and low levels of industrialization.
  • For example, low socio-economic development in Bihar and Uttar Pradesh is the major reason for the largest share of the rural population in India.

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