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How can people’s participation be effective in conserving forests and wildlife?


How can people’s participation be effective in conserving forests and wildlife?

(Chapter 5 Natural Vegetation, Class 11 NCERT geography "India Physical Environment")


People's participation in the conservation of forests and wildlife is important and effective for the following reasons;

People are directly and indirectly involved in the loss of forests and wildlife. The expansion of human settlements and developmental activities in forest lands is a major cause of the loss of forest cover and wildlife. Therefore, people's participation is very important for the conservation of forests and wildlife.

Wildlife monitoring can be made successful with the participation of local people which will prevent poaching.

People's participation is a cheap and sustainable way to conserve forests and wildlife.

The local people are very close to the forest resources and are also attached to them as they are directly dependent on the forest for various needs. But exploit it for their other needs. Therefore involving people's participation in the conservation of forests and wildlife will make it effective. That is why the New Forest Policy of 1988 emphasized the role of people's participation in forest and wildlife conservation.

A large number of tribals live in the forest and the forest is their home. Forests and tribals are closely related to each other. The age-old knowledge of the tribals regarding forestry can be used for the development of forests. Encouraging tribal communities for forest development not only improves their livelihoods but also conserves and expands forests.

In the past, mass participation movements such as the Chipko Andonal have proved that people's participation in forest and wildlife conservation is important.

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