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Why is land considered an important resource?


Why is land considered an important resource?

( Chapter - 2 Land-Soil-Water-Natural Vegetation and Wildlife Resources, Cass 8 NCERT Resources and Development ( Geography) )


The land is a kind of natural resource. About 30 percent of the Earth's surface is covered by land, however, there is a wide variation in the quality of land resources on Earth. Due to the rugged topography and harsh climate, a large part of the land resources is not suitable for agriculture and human habitation.

The land is considered an important resource because of the following reasons:

The land is a limited resource. There is a rise in the sea level due to climate change, due to which the areas near the sea are submerging, thereby reducing the overall land resources. With increasing population and land degradation, the per capita availability of land is decreasing day by day, making land a scarce resource.

Many needs of plants and animals are obtained from land, without land forests, wildlife, and land-based ecosystems would not be found.

Without good quality land resources, humans cannot do farming and animal husbandry. Many economic activities like agriculture, industry, forestry, etc. are dependent on land.

Human settlements like villages, towns, and cities are found on land resources.

For the above reasons, land is considered an important resource.

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