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Why is the monsoon considered a unifying bond?


Why is the monsoon considered a unifying bond?

( Chapter - 4 Climate, Cass 9 NCERT Contemporary India -I )


Despite regional variations in temperature and rainfall, the Indian subcontinent appears to have a unifying bond with the monsoon.

Monsoon is considered a binding bond due to the following reasons:

The entire agricultural calendar of India revolves around the monsoon wind.

The life of the people in India including the festivals is largely affected by the monsoon.

Animal and plant life is highly influenced by the monsoon climate.

From north to south and east to west, the people of India eagerly wait for the arrival of the monsoon.

Monsoon unites the people of India by providing water.

All the river basins of India receive rainfall from the monsoon and the monsoon also unites them all as a single river basin unit.

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