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Differentiate between the Structure and Functions of attitudes. | UPPSC ethics paper 2021 solutions


Differentiate between the Structure and Functions of Attitudes. 

(UPPSC GS paper 4 2021)


Attitudes are positive or negative feelings towards any people, objects, or thoughts. A person's attitude takes shape from his belief, values, experiences, and cultural background.

The structure and function of attitude give us deep knowledge about the formation and function of our behavior:

Structure of attitudes.:

Structurally, there are three components of attitude - cognitive, affective, and behavioral.

Cognitive component: The cognitive component of an attitude refers to a person in faith, thoughts, and knowledge about the person, objects, and things. For example, it helps to create a positive attitude by having knowledge about the benefits of "Surya Namaskar".

Affective component: The affective component of attitude helps a person's response to an object. For example, if a person with a positive attitude towards "Surya Namaskar" sees another person doing "Surya Namaskar", then he too is more likely to have a positive feeling towards that person.

Behavioral component: The behavioral component of attitude creates a person working toward the object. For example, a person with a positive attitude about "Surya Namaskar" can try to "Surya Namaskar" every morning.

Functions of attitudes:

Attitudes. plays many important roles in shaping human behavior and its relationship with society. There are some important functions of attitude:

Attitudes guide our behavior: positive or negative attitudes about something helpful in our decision-making. For example, a person with a positive attitude towards singing is more likely to engage in singing activities.

Attitude is a source of self-motivation: to achieve a particular task (such as becoming a public servant), there is a high need of self -motivation that comes from a strong positive attitude.

Attitudes generate a sense of dedication: Our attitude creates a sense of dedication to achieve something.

Attitudes help in gaining knowledge: A person with a positive attitude toward a particular subject helps to gain knowledge of the subject. For example, a positive attitude towards morality helps civil servants achieve moral behavior around them.

Attitudes shape our relations:  Large part of our behaviors comes from the attitude which is deciding factor in our relationship with others.  For example, a positive attitude of civil servants to solve the problems of the weaker sections of society can help in a healthy relationship with them.

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